Green Room Travel provides professional tour planning for artists at DIY rates. We are an IATA-accredited travel agency, so we are able to earn commissions directly from travel vendors. Other tour planning services may charge you a commission or fee on top of the rate you pay for your travel expenses. Our tour planning always comes with a comparison of our rates versus those of leading discount travel providers, making sure that there are no hidden fees or charges. We are confident in comparing our rates with anyone else’s.

how it works

reach out

Get in touch and tell us a bit about yourself and share your needs with us. We can do a bit of preliminary research on things like carnets and visa requirements.

Then we can have a more in-depth discussion to help you fine-tune your budget and help us understand your travel preferences.

choose your package

Based on your needs, we will provide suggestions of routes, accommodations, and transport for you to choose from — always with our commitment to transparent and fair pricing. Design and print tour materials and merchandise through our friends at Dexterity Press.

And touring should be fun too! So let us come up with ideas for sightseeing or an activity for an off day.

get on the road

While you’ll have to load the gear in the van yourself, driving directions and the day’s schedule are provided to you through the Master Tour app.

Someone will always be available for emergencies, so you can just focus on the next show.

get in touch

Let's start planning your next tour today.